And so the adventure begins.

I am doing this…finally!

I love to write, share what’s on my heart, and what moves it deeply.

My friends and family say “You should write!”

I don’t know about “writing,” but I will definitely share.

Since I was a girl, I have been acutely aware of the fact that I am not meant for Here. My mother says that I would often come into the house, dirty and sweaty, with adventure in my eyes. I remember playing outside in the sunshine and the rain, climbing trees, and running until my heart felt like it would burst. I also remember the pain of skinned knees and hurt feelings. I remember the ring of dirt in the bathtub at the end of the day. I remember how big my heart loved, and the feeling in my chest when my heart cracked in two for the first time.

I live for these moments, that feeling, that dirt, that pain, those tears, and the smell of the rain coming…because those are symbols of freedom and life to me.

As an adult, my commitment to myself is to keep that pure part of my heart alive…to delight in it, to guard it in a place where nothing can take it from me, and to share it with those who need the light. “Here” can take it from us. I have resolved that it will not take it from me.

If you can identify with this, then you know that some people might call people like us “Crazy.”

I can think of a hundred other words…




The Brave Ones.

…Just to name a few… but not crazy.

I am not meant to stay Here. No. But I am meant for a purpose in my time Here.

I guess you can say that I am a rebel with a cause…it is to share Hope.

So, my commitment to you is this: I will pour my heart out onto these virtual pages, and I will write about what moves me, in hopes that it moves you, too.

In hopes that something I share might give you the magical feeling in your heart, that I have in the purest part of my heart…

In hopes that, if you feel hopeless or without purpose, some word or moment that moves me might help resurrect the purest part of your heart, too.

I hope to make a difference in the world. That is all.

“To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived – that is to have succeeded.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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